Blog Post Submission

This page may contain affiliate links. Please read my privacy policy for more info.

It’s SO exciting that you are interested in guest posting on Cape & Apron (C&A)!

Let’s see if submitting a blog post on C&A is right for you.

What blog post topics work great for Cape & Apron?

C&A primarily is all about helping new mommies or mommies-to-be transition into motherhood. Becoming a mother can be a shocking and extremely difficult transition emotionally and physically. Great topics that readers love (but are not limited to – please see the post topics C&A accepts, detailed below) have to do with preparing for baby, pregnancy, postpartum, labor and delivery and caring for a newborn. 

A sub-topic/mission:

In addition to C&A’s prime new-mommy focus, I am also very passionate about helping women work from home and blog. So blogging related post submissions are perfect as well.

Cape & Apron current blog stats (as of September 19th, 2018)

Knowing the blog stats will let you know what kind of exposure you can expect.

Pageviews: Minimum 75,000/month. Lately, it’s been doing about 90,000/month.

Email List: 10,000+

Pinterest939.9k monthly viewers, 2,053 Followers

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: I have accounts on all 3 here but do not push traffic in these areas, though your post will be shared here as well.

What exposure can you expect?

Your post will release on Sunday at 1:00 PM MST. I will create a high-quality pin targeting C&A’s readers and demographic. This will be shared via Pinterest on the best Cape & Apron Pinterest Board for your main Pinterest keyword/blog topic.

I will also share your post with my email list of 10K+ as well as push it through Facebook & Twitter. (Let me know if you’d like an Instagram share as well. If so, please include an Instagram photo of your preference).

Your post will be regularly shared and persistently exposed to traffic for a minimum of 30 days unless it receives consistent high-level traffic after this (like a viral post). Then I’ll keep pushing it till I can push it no more!

What specific blog post topics does Cape & Apron accept?

C&A’s main traffic flows through Pinterest. Our Pinterest is set up specifically for certain topics. Certain Pinterest board titles are used and each board is specifically keyworded – all for maximum exposure for Cape & Apron’s demographic.

This said, I have listed the categories in bold below. Listed underneath these bolded categories are keywords that do well for C&A.

If you have any questions about your blog post title, topic, main idea, main points ETC. BEFORE you submit it below PLEASE feel free to shoot me a message via my contact form or email me at [email protected].

**IMPORTANT NOTE: For maximum exposure, please select a main category and then utilize certain subtopics below this. If you have Pinterest, type one of these main categories in the “Search” bar on Pinterest. Pinterest will then list keywords within colored bubbles underneath your search topic. Highly searched terms are listed from left to right. Clicking deeper into these links will reveal keywords, categories, topics and blog posts that are “lower hanging fruit” and will grant your post more exposure!

Cape & Apron main categories

(Please click on an orange main category tab below to see the drop-down lists.)

– On a budget

   – Money

   – Nurseries

   – Ideas

   – Personal finance

   – New moms

   – Families

   – Articles

   – Children

   – Life

   – Kids

– First time

   – things to do

   – Pregnancy

   – Newborns

   – Home

   – To get

   – Financially

   – New moms

   – Tips and tricks

   – Ideas

   – Diaper bags

   – birth

   – Life

   – Products

   – Nurseries

   – Checklist

– Number 2

– Trying to conceive

– Financially

– Checklist

– Month by month

– At home

– Timeline

– Stockpile

– Third trimester

– Meals

– Organization

– Things to do

– Hospital Bag

– early

   – symptoms

   – signs

   – first trimester

   – quotes

   – Am I Pregnant

   – diet

   – things to do

   – Announcement

   – weeks

   – cramps

   – tips

– first

– tips

– symptoms

– 1st trimester

– pictures

– diet

– workout

– second

– must haves

– week by week

– outfits

– healthy

Postpartum (and/or) Postpartum recovery (and/or) Postpartum recovery and healing after birth

– recovery

– Healing after birth

– kit

– poop

– timeline

– belly binding

– diet

– exercise

– stitches

– first time

– tips

– natural

– postpartum care

– belly

– weightloss

– tips

– workout

– C Section

– Depression

– Care

– Diet

– Anxiety

– Necessities

– Girdle

– Meals

– postpartum kit

– essentials

– bleeding

– healing

– clothes

– body


– Tips

   – For toddlers

   – For boys

   – Newborn

   – For school

   – discipline

   – For girls

   – For babies

   – Strong willed child

   – Single

   – For dads

   – Positive

   – Christian

   – Yelling

   – & Advice

   – Hacks

   – Communication

   – Ideas

– Baby

   – New moms

   – Pregnancy

   – Newborns

   – Website

   – Infants

   – Breastfeeding

– Toddlers

   – Daughters

   – Boys

   – Funny

   – Tantrum

   – 2 year olds

   – Activites

   – Tips

   – Positive

   – Learning

   – Bedtime routines

   – Teaching

   – Christian

   – Potty training

   – Books

   – Time out

– Advice

– Boys

– Christian

– Positive

– Hacks

– Discipline

– Ideas

– Don’t Understand

– Done Right

– Is Hard

– Books

– Natural

– Gentle

– Good

– 101

– Styles

– Attachment

– Toxic

– Activities

– Goals

– Fail

Potty training

– tips

– girls

– boys

– potty training in 3 days

– at night

– when to start

– method

– poop


– cleaning hacks

– tips

– organization

– motivation

– bedroom

– bathroom

– closets

– deep cleaning

– tricks

– overwhelmed

Organization (and/or) Declutter(ing)

-declutter (can also be a main topic!)

– tips

– room by room

– checklists

– free printable

– cleaning hacks

– clutter free

– For money

   – Stay at home

   – Entrepreneur

   – Ideas

   – WordPress

   – Get started

   – Passive incoe

   – Free Worksheets

   – Writing

   – Extra cash

   – Tips

   – Mom

   – How to make

   – Business

   – How

   – Website

– To follow

– For beginners

   – Money

   – WordPress

   – Ideas

   – Social media

   – Step by step

   – Topics

   – Writing

   – Cheat sheets

   – Name

   – How to start

   – Photography

   – Design

   – Instagram

   – Lifestyle

   – Tips

   – Tutorials

   – Planner

– Inspiration

– Tips

– Lifestyle

– Ideas

– Design

– Starting A

– Planner

– Topics

– Photography

– Names

– Post

– About Me

– 101

– Mom

– Writing

– Themes

– Photos

– Layout

– Niche

– Traffic

– How

– Schedule

– Best

– Christian

– Content

– Branding

– WordPress

– Personal

– Instagram

– Logo

– Aesthetic

– Planning

Additional submission requirements

– Choose 1 central idea for the topic of your blog post; a memorable, essential takeaway

– 2500 word count minimum

– You can add up to 3 links to your own blog posts or personal products

– No affiliate links allowed. Sorry! (Usually, your affiliate contract is only for your own website and doesn’t apply to others like Cape & Apron.)

Blog post formatting:


– Blog post title “Heading 1” (with keyword/s): Write a “MUST READ” super captivating title. Scan’s titles for ideas if needed!


– Include “Heading 2” for headings & include at least 3. Try to shoot for around 7-10 headings.

– For sub-topics, please use “Heading 3”.

– Please use bullet points or numbers for lists and greater legibility

– Feel free to include up to 10 personal or paid-for images (We do not publish “free” downloaded photos on



– HTML format submission: Please write your blog post within the “Add New Post” section in your WordPress Admin Login. Basically, write a blog post like you would for yourself and include photos in the body if you’d like, then go to “text” and then copy the HTML code. This allows all the heading styles, bullets and formatting to transfer. Then paste it into the submission form below.

– Up to 10 blog post images (10 personal or paid-for images) in 72 dpi, .png format

– Use your chosen keyword(s) from the “Cape & Apron main categories” list above in the title, first paragraph and naturally throughout the post. Use Pinterest supporting keywords in the copy as well. If you need further help with this let me know!

– Include a short 2-3 sentence bio about yourself and your blog and a photo

– Agree to the Terms & Conditions below. A checkbox will be included in the submission form.

Additional tips for more traffic & a great post!

Stories are the best. Use the S.H.A.R.E. acronym:

Simple: Connect emotionally with C&A’s target demographic: first time pregnant or new moms (or new bloggers). Make it simple enough to be effective and understood.

Honest: Be transparent and real. If you are talking about yourself personally, wherever you are at in your journey, don’t feel like you have to embellish. Readers here respect, relate to and connect with the reality of life-situations.

Audience-Centered: Think about who you are writing to. Again, here at C&A that’s first time pregnant or new moms primarily. Things are scary, they are experiencing stuff for the first time and that’s hard! Relate, be sympathetic and deliver dependable solutions readers can count on. Act like you’re talking to your BFF over coffee and she needs to be heard, related-to and given some support.

Real: Be YOU! Abby Rockenbaugh says, “Be you +2.” So, that means keeping in mind what your audience can handle as well as delivering the best of you.


– Bold phrases that contain keywords and hit home a good point – for emphasis.

– Start your post with a SUPER captivating, naturally keyworded first sentence and follow this through with an intriguing/captivating intro.

– Use S.H.A.R.E throughout the post

– Photos captivate and engage readers. Studies have proven photos included in a blog post are MANY more times as likely to be shared. You can include up to 10 (personal or paid-for)images in your submission.

– Loop the conclusion back to your intro sentence/first paragraph. Summarize your blog post (don’t add any new points to your conclusions) and hit home your main points with PURPOSE & clarity.

Additional Stuff

– I reserve the right to add links within the submitted post hosted on that will help our reader. This may include (but is not limited to) links to other relevant blog posts, products, affiliate links, courses etc.

– Your title may be edited for MAXIMUM Pinterest and Keyword impact. We want your post to be SEEN, shared and read!

– We will do your featured image, Facebook image and Pinterest image.

– We will also add social sharing phrases via Social Warfare for Twitter, Google, Facebook and Pinterest’s pin description.

– You will receive a final look at your blog post on Cape & Apron before it is scheduled for your approval. Please respond with an approval in order for us to publish it.

Please click the “Submit Blog Post For Review” button below to see these requirements written out super clearly in a form.

Terms and Conditions

Basically, the Terms and Conditions below state that I can promote your blog post anywhere to get traffic to it. It also allows me to repurpose your content to generate additional traffic and exposure. (example: infographics, images, quotes etc.)

There is a checkbox in the submission form where you can acknowledge that you’ve reviewed these Terms and Conditions.

Terms and Conditions


– Guest blogger agrees to write the post without charge and agrees to not request compensation in the future.

Intellectual Property

– Guest blogger hereby grants Alice Bolte and the unconditional and irrevocable right to reproduce the guest blog post in any format, and to distribute, sell, prepare derivative works, advertise, and publicize the blog post without compensation to Guest blogger.

– Alice Bolte and may edit the post at her discretion. Alice Bolte and shall own the worldwide rights, title, and interest, including copyright in and to, the Guest blogger’s post.

Affiliate links

– Please do not place affiliate links within your blog post. You are welcome to link back to a blog post on your own blog that contains affiliate links in your bio.

That’s it! I look forward to reviewing your submission!!!

(If you have any problems with the submission form or any questions, please email me at [email protected])

*Cape & Apron only accepts original and brand new blog posts (not already published content). Google penalizes duplicate content, therefore we will retain the rights to the post after submission.

Step 1: First, please apply to guest post on Cape & Apron BEFORE writing your guest post. We would feel terrible if you wrote a whole post and we couldn’t accept it! So start here.

Step 2: Once your blog post application has been approved, please submit your post here.

Input your search keywords and press Enter.